La tienda de una de las mejores consolas de la historia cierra el 29 de julio 2024 | Ofertas enormes para celebrar el legado de XBOX 360

El legado de una de las mejores maquinas de videojuegos de la historia Xbox 360

Xbox 360 se lanzó hace 18 años y fue una consola que definió una generación que incitó a muchas personas a saltar al mundillo de los videojuegos y a otros a probar una nueva consola mas allá de PlayStation y Nintendo por aquel entonces. De hecho, yo personalmente después de que las maquinas de Sega dejaran de estar en el mercado, la ultima DREAMCAST volví con mucha ilusión a los videojuegos en consola con esta gran maquina llamada Xbox 360 y desde entonces no he parado.

Además de dar el gran salto a conectarse con amigos de todo el mundo. A día de hoy son miles de personas que siguen jugando a juegos de Xbox 360 a través de la misma o gracias a la extensa compatibilidad con versiones anteriores de los títulos compatibles en consolas actuales como Xbox Series X|S.

Microsoft anuncia que a partir del 29 de julio de 2024, Xbox dejará de admitir la posibilidad de comprar nuevos juegos, DLC y otro contenido de entretenimiento en la Tienda Xbox 360 en la consola y en el Bazar Xbox 360 (

Para celebrar el legado de Xbox 360, están trabajando con muchos socios editoriales para ofrecernos la mayor cantidad de reducciones de precio de su tienda online o de la Tienda Xbox 360 de la consola. Estarán actualizando esta lista con más juegos el 18 de junio de 2024 y el 16 de julio de 2024, ofreciendo tantos juegos revalorizados como sea posible antes de finales de julio. Estas reducciones de precios se mantendrán vigentes para cada juego hasta el cierre de la tienda 360 el 29 de julio de 2024.

Es importante saber que este cambio no afectará a tu capacidad para jugar a los juegos de Xbox 360 o al DLC que ya hayas comprado: el contenido de los juegos de Xbox 360 que hayas comprado anteriormente seguirá estando disponible para jugar no solo en la consola Xbox 360, sino también en los dispositivos Xbox One y Xbox Series X|S a través de la compatibilidad con versiones anteriores.

Solo cierra la tienda, el acceso.

Xbox y su compromiso total con la perseveración de los videojuegos

Preservar en el tiempo para jugar al contenido que se haya comprado en nuestros dispositivo preferidos es uno de los grandes compromisos de la marca XBOX con lo que seguirán apoyando el juego Xbox 360 en un futuro previsible, y aún se podrá jugar y volver a descargar contenido comprado anteriormente y conectarse con amigos.

¿Puedo seguir jugando a mis juegos de Xbox 360 después de julio de 2024?

Sí, podrás seguir jugando a los juegos que compraste en Xbox 360. Si compraste el juego digitalmente o tienes un disco físico, aún puedes saltar y jugar. Si has eliminado un juego que has comprado, pero quieres volver a jugar, podrás volver a descargarlo.

¿Qué pasa con los juegos multijugador a través de la red Xbox? ¿Puedo seguir jugando con mis amigos?

Sí. Incluso después de julio de 2024, aún se podrá jugar y conectarse con amigos a través del modo multijugador en los juegos que se compraron, siempre que el editor aún admita los servidores en línea. Todavía podremos guardar tus juegos y progreso en la nube, y si eliges continuar con cualquiera de esos juegos disponibles en Xbox One o Xbox Series X|S, esos juegos guardados en la nube se transferirán.

¿Puedo seguir comprando y jugando a títulos compatibles con versiones anteriores de Xbox 360?

No hay ningún impacto en la compra o reproducción de títulos de Xbox 360 compatibles con versiones anteriores. Después del 29 de julio de 2024, se podrá seguir comprando cientos de juegos y DLC de Xbox 360 y Xbox Original compatibles con versiones anteriores en Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S y

Para aquellos que deseen seguir jugando a los juegos de Xbox 360 en Xbox Series X|S, en la mayoría de esos títulos se han incluido mejoras para que se vean y se jueguen mejor que nunca, sin dejar de ser fieles a la versión original. Puedes jugar a esos títulos de Xbox 360 con FPS Boost, HDR automático y tiempos de carga más rápidos.

Nuevo fondo dinámico de Xbox con la interfaz de usuario que nos encantó a miles de usuarios de la era Xbox 360. Para obtener el fondo de Xbox 360 Blades, sigue estos sencillos pasos:

  • Presiona el botón Xbox del mando para abrir la guía.
  • Ir a Configuración de > de perfil y sistema > Personalización general > > Mi fondo > Fondos dinámicos.
  • Elige Xbox 360 Blades en Destacados o Fondos dinámicos de Xbox
  • Selecciona el arte de fondo que desee con el botón A

La lista de juegos retrocompatibles de Xbox en Xbox Series X|S – mas de 20 años de historia

Actualización, estos juegos no están en el listado, todos de Activision.

  • Big League Sports – 14,99€
  • Blood Drive – 5,99€
  • Gun – 9,99€
  • Prototype – 5,99€
  • Prototype 2 – 8,99€
  • Singularity – 14,99€
  • The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon – 9,99€

La lista de juegos compatibles con las ultimas consolas es extensa y en su mayoría, sobre todo los de Xbox original mejorados.

Actualización del 19 de junio del listado de reducciones de precios Tienda Digital Xbox 360 – Cierre el 29 de julio de 2024

Actualización del 16 de julio Actualización final: Las reducciones de precio ya están disponibles en la Tienda Xbox 360 digital – Cierre el 29 de julio de 2024

(SEGA Vintage Collection) SVC: ToeJam & Earl SEGA Xbox 360 8/3/2017
0 day Attack on Earth Square Enix Xbox 360 10/26/2017
3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures Activision Xbox 360 4/20/2017
50 Cent: BotS (Blood On The Sand)* THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
A Kingdom for Keflings Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
A World of Keflings Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation* Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 1/15/2019
Aces of the Galaxy Activision Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Advent Rising Ziggurat Interactive Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom Little Orbit Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Aegis Wing Xbox Live Arcade Xbox 360 (Free) 1/21/2016
Age of Booty CAPCOM Xbox 360 1/21/2016
AirMech Arena* Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/21/2019
Alan Wake Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/17/2016
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 2/11/2016
Alaskan Adventures* Activision Xbox 360 4/27/2017
Alice: Madness Returns Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 1/24/2017
Alien Hominid HD Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Aliens vs Predator SEGA Xbox 360 11/29/2018
Altered Beast SEGA Xbox 360 4/26/2016
Anomaly Warzone Earth Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/7/2016
Aqua Xbox Live Arcade Xbox 360 6/7/2016
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader Full Version* THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Arkanoid Live! TAITO Corporation Xbox 360 9/8/2016
Armed and Dangerous LucasArts Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Army of Two Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 3/28/2017
Assassin’s Creed Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/21/2016
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood* Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/27/2017
Assassin’s Creed II Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Assassin’s Creed III* Ubisoft Xbox 360 5/23/2017
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Ubisoft Xbox 360 4/3/2018
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD* Ubisoft Xbox 360 7/3/2018
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/23/2017
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Ubisoft Xbox 360 2/23/2017
Assault Heroes 2 Activision Xbox 360 4/25/2017
Asteroids & Deluxe Atari Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Astropop Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/29/2016
Asura’s Wrath CAPCOM Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Avatar: TLA: TBE (The Last Air Bender: The Burning Earth) THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Axel & Pixel* 2K Games Xbox 360 3/13/2018
 Babel Rising* Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/16/2016
Band of Bugs Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/4/2017
Banjo Kazooie: N n B Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Banjo-Kazooie Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Banjo-Tooie Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Bankshot Billiards 2 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Batman: Arkham Origins* Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 8/8/2017
BattleBlock Theater Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Battlefield 1943 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 5/24/2018
Battlefield 2: MC (Modern Combat)* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Battlefield 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 1/10/2017
Battlefield: Bad Company Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 8/17/2017
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 1/10/2017
Battlestations Pacific Square Enix Xbox 360 1/10/2019
Battlestations: Midway Square Enix Xbox 360 10/11/2016
Bayonetta SEGA Xbox 360 9/8/2016
BC – Rearmed 2 (Bionic Commando) CAPCOM Xbox 360 7/21/2016
BCFx-Doug Williams Ed. Engaged Media Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Beat’n Groovy Konami Xbox 360 1/12/2017
Beautiful Katamari NAMCO Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Bejeweled 2 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Bejeweled 3 PopCap Xbox 360 (EA Play) 9/6/2016
Bellator: MMA Onslaught 345 Games Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Beyond Good & Evil HD Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Binary Domain SEGA Xbox 360 11/15/2021
BioShock 2K Games Xbox 360 12/13/2016
BioShock 2 2K Games Xbox 360 12/13/2016
BioShock Infinite 2K Games Xbox 360 12/13/2016
Black Electronic Arts Original Xbox (EA Play) 10/23/2017
Blazing Angels* Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/27/2017
Blinx: The Time Sweeper Microsoft Studios Original Xbox (Xbox Game Pass) 4/17/2018
Blood Knights Kalypso Media Xbox 360 6/23/2016
Blood of the Werewolf* Midnight City Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Bloodforge Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/30/2016
Bloodrayne 2 Majesco Entertainment Original Xbox 10/23/2017
BloodRayne: Betrayal* Majesco Entertainment Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Bue Dragon Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/1/2016
Bomberman Battlefest Hudson Entertainment Xbox 360 8/18/2016
Boom Boom Rocket Electronic Arts Xbox 360 7/26/2016
Borderlands 2K Games Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Borderlands 2 2K Games Xbox 360 2/23/2017
Bound by Flame Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 9/15/2016
Braid Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Brain Challenge Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/16/2016
Brave: The Video Game Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 2/20/2018
Breakdown Bandai Namco Entertainment Original Xbox 4/12/2018
Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/21/2019
Brütal Legend Double Fine Productions Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 9/18/2018
Bullet Soul 5pb. Xbox 360 5/4/2017
Bullet Soul -Infinite Burst-5pb. Xbox 360 10/27/2016
Bully: Scholarship Edition Rockstar Games Xbox 360 12/15/2016
Burnout Paradise* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/22/2016
Burnout Revenge Electronic Arts Xbox 360 5/8/2018
C&C3: Kane’s Wrath (Command & Conquer 3) Electronic Arts Xbox 360 1/24/2019
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013* Activision Xbox 360 4/27/2017
Cabela’s Hunting Expeditions* Activision Xbox 360 4/27/2017
Cabela’s Survival: SoK (Shadows Of Katmai)* Activision Xbox 360 4/27/2017
Call of Duty 2 Activision Xbox 360 8/23/2016
Call of Duty 3 Activision Xbox 360 9/22/2016
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Activision Xbox 360 3/29/2018
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare* Activision Xbox 360 9/28/2017
Call of Duty: Black Ops Activision Xbox 360 5/17/2016
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Activision Xbox 360 4/11/2017
Call of Duty: Ghosts* Activision Xbox 360 6/29/2017
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Activision Xbox 360 8/28/2018
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Activision Xbox 360 6/19/2018
Call of Duty: World at War Activision Xbox 360 9/27/2016
Call of Juarez Gunslinger Techland Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Techland Xbox 360 9/25/2018
Call of Juarez: The Cartel Techland Xbox 360 9/25/2018
CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet CAPCOM Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Carcassonne Microsoft STudios Xbox 360 2/26/2016
Cars 2: The Video Game Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 3/2/2017
Cars: Mater-National Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/14/2017
Castle Crashers* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse SEGA Xbox 360 8/30/2016
CastleStorm Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Konami Xbox 360 3/14/2019
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Konami Xbox 360 10/30/2018
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 Konami Xbox 360 10/30/2018
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD Konami Xbox 360 10/30/2018
Castlevania: SOTN (Symphony Of The Night) Konami Xbox 360 3/17/2016
Catherine Atlus USA Xbox 360 12/15/2016
Centipede & Millipede Atari Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Child of Eden Ubisoft Xbox 360 10/12/2017
CLANNAD* Prototype Xbox 360 6/12/2019
Cloning Clyde Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Comic Jumper Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/23/2016
Comix Zone SEGA Xbox 360 4/26/2016
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Electronic Arts Xbox 360 1/24/2019
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 1/24/2019
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Commander’s Challenge Electronic Arts Xbox 360 1/24/2019
Commanders: Attack Activision Xbox 360 4/25/2017
Conan THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Condemned SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Conker: Live and Reloaded Microsoft Studios Original Xbox 4/12/2018
Contra Konami Xbox 360 4/20/2017
Costume Quest THQ Xbox 360 5/7/2019
Costume Quest 2 Midnight City Xbox 360 7/18/2017
Counter-Strike: GO* Valve Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Crackdown Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 2/27/2018
Crackdown 2 Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 3/9/2019
Crazy Taxi SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Microsoft Game Studios Original Xbox (Xbox Game Pass) 10/23/2017
Crysis Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 10/16/2018
Crysis 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 10/16/2018
Crysis 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 10/16/2018
Crystal Defenders Square Enix Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Crystal Quest Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/23/2016
 Dante’s Inferno Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 7/17/2018
Dark Souls* NAMCO Bandai Xbox 360 3/24/2016
Dark Void CAPCOM Xbox 360 3/21/2016
Darksiders THQ Xbox 360 3/23/2017
Darksiders II* THQ Xbox 360 3/23/2017
Darwinia+ Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Daytona USA* SEGA Xbox 360 3/21/2017
de Blob 2 THQ Xbox 360 9/8/2016
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate TECMO Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Dead or Alive 3 TECMO Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Dead or Alive 4 TECMO Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Dead Rising 2: Case West CAPCOM Xbox 360 3/2/2017
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero* CAPCOM Xbox 360 6/12/2019
Dead Space Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 3/30/2016
Dead Space 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 4/27/2017
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 4/27/2017
Dead Space Ignition Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/15/2016
Dead to Rights Bandai Namco Entertainment Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Deadfall Adventures Nordic Games Xbox 360 10/26/2017
Deadliest Warrior Spike Xbox 360 8/8/2017
Deadliest Warrior: Legends 345 Games / Spike Games Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Deadly Premonition XSEED Games Xbox 360 11/2/2017
Death By Cube Square Enix Xbox 360 11/15/2021
DeathSpank: T.O.V. Electronic Arts Xbox 360 9/6/2016
Defense Grid* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Destroy All Humans! (2005) THQ Original Xbox 4/22/2018
DEUS EX: Human Revolution Square Enix Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Dig Dug Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 5/5/2016
DiRT 3* Codemasters Xbox 360 11/12/2015
DiRT Showdown* Codemasters Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Discs of Tron Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Disney Bolt Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 8/8/2017
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 8/3/2017
Disney Universe Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Disney’s Chicken Little Disney Interactive Studios Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Divinity II – DKS Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 4/3/2018
Domino Master Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/24/2016
DOOM 3 BFG Edition* Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 4/14/2016
DOOM II* Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 11/12/2015
DOOM* Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Doritos Crash Course Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 12/17/2015
Double Dragon Neon Majesco Entertainment Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 4/26/2016
Dragon Age 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 5/3/2018
Dragon Age: Origins Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 1/10/2017
Dragon’s Lair Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 10/11/2016
Driver San Francisco* Ubisoft Xbox 360 1/16/2018
DuckTales: Remastered CAPCOM Xbox 360 5/24/2016
Duke Nukem Forever 2K Games Xbox 360 12/4/2018
Duke Nukem – Manhattan Gearbox Software Xbox 360 4/12/2016
Dungeon Siege III Square Enix Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara CAPCOM Xbox 360 6/23/2016
E4 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/27/2016
Earth Defense Force 2017 D3 Publisher Xbox 360 11/30/2017
Earth Defense Force 2025 D3 Publisher Xbox 360 8/7/2018
Earth Defense Force: IA D3 Publisher Xbox 360 7/11/2017
Earthworm Jim HD* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Eat Lead D3 Publisher Xbox 360 10/13/2016
Elements of Destruction THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Enchanted Arms Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Encleverment Experiment Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/27/2016
Enslaved Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Escape Dead island Deep Silver Xbox 360 11/15/2016
 F.E.A.R. 2 Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 11/15/2021
F.E.A.R. 3* Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 11/15/2021
F.E.A.R. Files* Vivendi Universal Games Xbox 360 11/15/2021
F.E.A.R.* Vivendi Universal Games Xbox 360 11/15/2021
F1 2014 Codemasters Xbox 360 7/11/2017
Fable Anniversary Xbox Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 10/5/2017
Fable Heroes Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/26/2018
Fable II Xbox Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Fable II Pub Games Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 10/5/2017
Fable III Xbox Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 12/17/2015
Faery: Legends of Avalon Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 5/10/2016
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Fallout: New Vegas Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 6/23/2016
Far Cry 2 Ubisoft Xbox 360 1/16/2018
Far Cry 3 Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/30/2017
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Ubisoft Xbox 360 8/9/2016
Far Cry Classic Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Far Cry Instincts Predator Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Feeding Frenzy Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Feeding Frenzy 2 PopCap Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Fight Night Champion Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 5/15/2018
Fighting Vipers SEGA Xbox 360 8/8/2017
Final Fantasy XIII Square Enix Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/13/2018
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Square Enix Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/13/2018
Final Fight: DblImpact* CAPCOM Xbox 360 5/10/2016
Flashback Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/16/2016
Flock! CAPCOM Xbox 360 7/14/2016
Forza Horizon* Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 8/30/2016
Foul Play Sold Out Sales & Marketing Xbox 360 6/9/2016
Fret Nice TECMO Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Frogger Konami Xbox 360 4/28/2016
Frogger 2 Konami Xbox 360 5/10/2016
From Dust Ubisoft Xbox 360 5/7/2019
Frontlines:Fuel of War THQ Xbox 360 7/18/2017
FUEL* Codemasters Xbox 360 1/10/2019
Full Spectrum Warrior THQ Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Funtown Mahjong Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/27/2016
Fuzion Frenzy Microsoft Game Studios Original Xbox (Xbox Game Pass) 10/23/2017
Galaga NAMCO Bandai Xbox 360 2/15/2016
Galaga Legions Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 10/20/2016
Galaga Legions DX Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 4/28/2016
GAROU MOW SNK Playmore Xbox 360 4/12/2016
Gatling Gears Intergrow Xbox 360 9/6/2016
Gears of War Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Gears of War 2 Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Gears of War 3 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Gears of War: Judgment Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved Sierra Xbox 360 5/2/2017
Geometry Wars Evolved Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 2/25/2016
Geometry Wars Evolved² Activision Xbox 360 5/2/2017
Ghostbusters Atari Xbox 360 1/10/2017
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Atari Xbox 360 4/26/2016
Gin Rummy Activision Xbox 360 4/20/2017
Girl Fight Majesco Entertainment Xbox 360 10/26/2017
Gladius LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Go! Go! Break Steady Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/30/2016
Goat Simulator Double Eleven Limited Xbox 360 10/12/2017
Golden Axe* SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Golf: Tee it Up! Activision Xbox 360 4/20/2017
Grabbed by the Ghoulies Microsoft Studios Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar Games Xbox 360 2/9/2017
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas* Rockstar Games Xbox 360 6/7/2018
Greg Hastings Paintball 2* Majesco Entertainment Xbox 360 9/18/2018
GRID 2* Codemasters Xbox 360 3/21/2016
GRID Autosport Codemasters Xbox 360 6/26/2018
Gripshift Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/30/2016
Guardian Heroes SEGA Xbox 360 11/8/2016
Gunstar Heroes SEGA Xbox 360 4/6/2016
Gunvalkyrie SEGA Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Guwange CAVE Xbox 360 9/29/2016
Gyromancer Square Enix Xbox 360 2/23/2017
Gyruss Konami Xbox 360 7/25/2017
Half-Minute Hero -Super Mega Neo Climax-Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 7/19/2016
Halo 3* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/21/2017
Halo 3: ODST Campaign Edition* Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 9/21/2017
Halo 4* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/21/2017
Halo Wars* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/28/2016
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/21/2017
Halo: Reach Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Halo: Spartan Assault* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Hard Corps: Uprising Konami Xbox 360 5/4/2017
Hardwood Backgammon Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Hardwood Hearts Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Hardwood Spades Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Harms Way Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 5/4/2017
Haunted House Atari Xbox 360 12/1/2016
Heavy Weapon Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Hexic 2 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/24/2016
Hexic HD Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 11/12/2015
Hitman HD Pack IO Interactive Xbox 360 5/9/2019
Hitman: Absolution Square Enix Xbox 360 2/14/2017
Hitman: Blood Money IO Interactive Xbox 360 3/6/2018
Hunter: The Reckoning Interplay Entertainment Original Xbox 4/10/2018
Hydro Thunder Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Hydrophobia Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 2/26/2019
I Am Alive Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/23/2016
Ikaruga Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
ilomilo Xbox LIVE Arcade Xbox 360 5/23/2017
Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb LucasArts Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Infinite Undiscovery Square Enix Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Injustice: Gods Among Us Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 12/1/2016
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 4/4/2017
Interpol Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 7/14/2016
Iron Brigade* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Islands of Wakfu Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Jade Empire Microsoft Studios Original Xbox 4/10/2018
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad* D3 Publisher Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Jet Set Radio* SEGA Xbox 360 5/3/2016
Jetpac Refuelled Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Jewel Quest Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/14/2017
Joe Danger 2: The Movie Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 10/20/2016
Joe Danger Special Edition Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/23/2016
Joust Xbox Live Arcade Xbox 360 8/25/2016
Joy Ride Turbo Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
JUJU Nordic Games Xbox 360 1/31/2017
Jurassic Park: The Game* Telltale Games Xbox 360 10/11/2016
Just Cause Eidos Xbox 360 10/30/2018
Just Cause 2 Square Enix Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Kameo Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Kane & Lynch 2 Square Enix Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Killer Is Dead XSEED Games Xbox 360 10/27/2016
King Kong* Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/29/2018
KOF SKY STAGE SNK Playmore Xbox 360 10/12/2017
KOF2002UM SNK Playmore Xbox 360 2/23/2017
KOF98UM SNK Playmore Xbox 360 3/28/2016
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Square Enix Xbox 360 2/20/2018
Lazy Raiders Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/7/2016
Left 4 Dead 2* Valve Xbox 360 3/29/2016
Left 4 Dead* Valve Xbox 360 6/16/2016
LEGO Batman Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 2/11/2016
LEGO Batman 2 Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 1/31/2019
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 1/25/2018
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 2/7/2017
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
LEGO Star Wars II Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 10/20/2018
LEGO Star Wars III Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 3/6/2018
LEGO Star Wars: TCS (The Complete Saga) Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
LEGO The Lord of the Rings* Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Lightning Returns FFXIII Square Enix Xbox 360 11/13/2018
Limbo* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/3/2016
Lode Runner Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Lost Odyssey Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/29/2016
Lost Planet 2 CAPCOM Xbox 360 2/21/2019
Lost Planet 3 CAPCOM Xbox 360 2/21/2019
Lost Planet Extreme Condition* CAPCOM Xbox 360 2/21/2019
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition CAPCOM Xbox 360 2/21/2019
Lumines Live! Standard Edition Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Luxor 2 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/16/2017
 Mad Tracks* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/31/2017
Madballs Babo:Invasion Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/16/2017
Mafia II 2K Games Xbox 360 2/13/2018
Magic 2012 Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/24/2016
Magic 2013* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/18/2018
Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/18/2018
Magic: The Gathering* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/18/2018
Manhunt Rockstar North Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Marathon: Durandal Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 2/26/2019
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of the Death 505 Games Xbox 360 11/28/2017
Mars: War Logs Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 6/30/2016
Mass Effect Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Mass Effect 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/7/2016
Mass Effect 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/7/2016
Matt Hazard: BBB D3 Publisher Xbox 360 5/23/2017
Max Payne Rockstar Games Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Rockstar Games Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Max Payne 3 Rockstar Games Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Medal of Honor Airborne Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/29/2016
Meet the Robinsons Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 3/2/2017
Mega Man 10 CAPCOM Xbox 360 1/12/2017
Mega Man 9 CAPCOM Xbox 360 1/12/2017
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction LucasArts Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Konami Xbox 360 8/15/2017
Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3* Konami Xbox 360 10/9/2018
Metal Slug 3 SNK Playmore Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Metal Slug XX SNK Playmore Xbox 360 11/12/2015
MGS PW HD (Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD Edition) Konami Xbox 360 3/13/2018
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Rockstar Games Xbox 360 6/7/2018
Midway Arcade Origins Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 1/19/2017
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Military Madness Hudson Entertainment Xbox 360 11/17/2016
Mini Ninjas Square Enix Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Mirror’s Edge Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Missile Command Atari Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine Majesco Entertainment Xbox 360 4/14/2016
Monday Night Combat Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Monkey Island 2: SE Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Monkey Island: SE Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Monopoly Deal* Ubisoft Xbox 360 9/14/2017
Monopoly Plus Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/9/2016
Moon Diver Square Enix Xbox 360 2/23/2017
Mortal Kombat (2011)* Warner Bros. Interactive Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Mortal Kombat vs. DCU* Midway Home Entertainment Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Motocross Madness* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Mr. Driller Online NAMCO Xbox 360 8/2/2016
Ms. PAC-MAN* Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Ms. Splosion Man Xbox Live Arcade Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Mutant Blobs Attack* Midnight City Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Mutant Storm Empire Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/19/2017
Mutant Storm Reloaded Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 10/26/2017
MX Unleashed THQ Original Xbox 4/22/2018
MX vs. ATV Alive THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
MX vs. ATV Reflex THQ Xbox 360 5/3/2016
MX vs. ATV Untamed THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
N+* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/12/2015
NEOGEO Battle Coliseum SNK Playmore Xbox 360 7/21/2016
New Rally-X Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 8/2/2016
Nier Square Enix Xbox 360 11/15/2021
NiGHTS into dreams… SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
NIN2-JUMP CAVE Xbox 360 8/2/2016
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge TECMO Koei America Xbox 360 6/9/2021
Ninja Gaiden Black TECMO Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Ninja Gaiden II TECMO Xbox 360 4/16/2019
Novadrome Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Oblivion Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/29/2016
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee Xbox Game Studios Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Of Orcs and Men* Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 9/8/2016
OF: Dragon Rising (Operation Flashpoint) Codemasters Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Omega Five* Hudson Entertainment Xbox 360 11/17/2016
Onechanbara D3 Publisher Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Operation Flashpoint: Red River* Codemasters Xbox 360 11/8/2016
Orcs Must Die! Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 2/12/2019
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors SEGA Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Otogi: Myth of Demons SEGA Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Outland Ubisoft Xbox 360 4/6/2016
Outpost Kaloki X Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Overlord II Codemasters Xbox 360 7/10/2018
Overlord* Codemasters Xbox 360 7/10/2018
 P4A (Persona 4 Arena) Atlus USA Xbox 360 11/14/2017
Pac-Man Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 3/17/2016
Pac-Man C.E. Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 11/12/2015
PAC-MAN CE DX+ Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 11/12/2015
PAC-MAN Museum* Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Panzer Dragoon Orta SEGA Original Xbox 4/17/2018
Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory* THQ Original Xbox 5/15/2019
Peggle PopCap Xbox 360 (EA Play) 12/17/2015
Peggle 2* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/28/2017
Perfect Dark Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Perfect Dark Zero Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Phantasy Star II SEGA Xbox 360 5/5/2016
Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds* Mages Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Pinball FX* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Planets Under Attack TopWare Interactive Xbox 360 12/15/2016
Plants vs. Zombies PopCap Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Port Royale 3 Kalypso Media Xbox 360 1/31/2019
Portal 2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 6/16/2016
Portal: Still Alive Valve Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Prey 2K Games Xbox 360 2/13/2018
Prince of Persia Classic Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Ubisoft Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Prince of Persia* Ubisoft Xbox 360 8/7/2018
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time* Ubisoft Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Psychonauts Double Fine Productions Original Xbox (Xbox Game Pass) 10/23/2017
Pure* Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/22/2016
Putty Squad System 3 Software Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Puzzle Fighter HD CAPCOM Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Puzzle Quest 2 D3 Publisher Xbox 360 10/4/2016
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords – Revenge… Xbox LIVE Arcade Xbox 360 10/13/2016
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix D3 Publisher Xbox 360 10/4/2016
Puzzlegeddon TECMO Xbox 360 5/10/2016
QIX++ TAITO Corporation Xbox 360 9/8/2016
Quake Arena Arcade Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Quantum Conundrum Square Enix Xbox 360 7/18/2017
R-Type Dimensions Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
R.U.S.E.* Ubisoft Xbox 360 7/17/2018
Radiant Silvergun Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 6/27/2017
Rage Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 10/27/2016
Raiden IV MOSS Xbox 360 7/25/2017
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Raskulls Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/15/2016
RAW – Realms of Ancient War Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Rayman 3 HD* Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Rayman Legends Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/22/2016
Rayman Origins Ubisoft Xbox 360 4/21/2016
Rayman Raving Rabbids Ubisoft Xbox 360 1/10/2019
Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games Xbox 360 7/7/2016
Red Dead Revolver Rockstar Games Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Red Faction II THQ Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Red Faction: Armageddon THQ Xbox 360 7/25/2017
Red Faction: Battlegrounds THQ Xbox 360 6/23/2016
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X CAPCOM Xbox 360 2/21/2019
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City CAPCOM Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Ridge Racer 6 NAMCO-HOMETEK Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Rio* THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Risen Deep Silver Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Risen 2: Dark Waters Deep Silver Xbox 360 11/15/2021
RoboBlitz Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 4/20/2017
Rock of Ages Atlus USA Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Rocket Knight Konami Xbox 360 1/26/2017
Rockstar Table Tennis Rockstar Games Xbox 360 6/7/2018
Rumble Roses XX Konami Xbox 360 9/11/2018
Runner2* Aksys Games Xbox 360 5/5/2016
Sacred 2 Fallen Angel cdv Software Entertainment Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Sacred 3 Deep Silver Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Sacred Citadel Deep Silver Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Saints Row Koch Media Xbox 360 5/29/2018
Saints Row 2 Koch Media Xbox 360 5/1/2018
Saints Row IV Deep Silver Xbox 360 3/31/2016
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Deep Silver Xbox 360 5/29/2018
Saints Row: The Third Koch Media Xbox 360 9/14/2017
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space Skunkape Games Xbox 360 12/8/2021
Sam & Max Save the World Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Samurai Shodown II SNK Playmore Xbox 360 5/5/2016
Scarygirl Square Enix Xbox 360 11/10/2016
Scramble Konami Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Scrap Metal Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/10/2017
ScreamRide Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 8/15/2017
Screwjumper!* THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Secret Weapons Over Normandy LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
SEGA Bass Fishing SEGA Xbox 360 6/9/2016
SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.* SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
SEGA Vintage Collection: Golden Axe SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
SEGA Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Shadow Assault/Tenchu FromSoftware Xbox 360 5/23/2017
Shadow Complex Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Shadowrun Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/8/2016
Shadows of the Damned* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 1/26/2017
Shank2 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 8/11/2016
Shinobi SEGA Xbox 360 5/23/2017
Shotest Shogi Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/8/2016
Shred Nebula Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 10/27/2016
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution 2K Games Xbox 360 4/4/2017
Sid Meier’s Pirates! 2K Games Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Silent Hill: Downpour* Konami Xbox 360 10/13/2016
Silent Hill: HD Collection Konami Xbox 360 7/24/2018
Silent Hill: Homecoming Konami Xbox 360 7/24/2018
Sine Mora Nordic Games Xbox 360 8/7/2018
Skate 2* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Skate 3 Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/10/2016
skate. Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 6/10/2019
Skullgirls MarvelousAQL Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Skydive TopWare Interactive Xbox 360 12/15/2016
Slender: The Arrival Midnight City Xbox 360 9/14/2017
Small Arms Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Sniper Elite V2 505 Games Xbox 360 1/16/2018
Soltrio Solitaire Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/28/2017
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed SEGA Xbox 360 10/4/2016
Sonic & Knuckles* SEGA Xbox 360 5/5/2016
Sonic 4 Episode II SEGA Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Sonic Adventure SEGA Xbox 360 9/28/2017
Sonic Adventure 2 SEGA Xbox 360 11/30/2017
Sonic CD SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Sonic Generations SEGA Xbox 360 4/10/2018
Sonic The Fighters SEGA Xbox 360 4/12/2016
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Sonic The Hedgehog 3* SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I SEGA Xbox 360 7/21/2016
Sonic The Hedgehog* SEGA Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Sonic Unleashed SEGA Xbox 360 11/29/2018
SOULCALIBUR NAMCO Xbox 360 1/21/2016
SOULCALIBUR II HD NAMCO Bandai Xbox 360 3/28/2016
South Park: The Stick of Truth* Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Space Ark Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/8/2016
Space Giraffe Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Space Invaders: IG (Infinity Gene) Square Enix Xbox 360 2/23/2017
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games Xbox 360 1/30/2018
Spelunky* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Sphinx and the Cursed Monkey THQ Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Split/Second Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 1/25/2018
Splosion Man Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam! THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
SpongeBob: Truth-Sq. (SpongeBob SquarePants Truth or Square) THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
SSX EA Sports Xbox 360 (EA Play) 5/26/2016
SSX 3 Electronic Arts Original Xbox 4/17/2018
Stacking THQ Xbox 360 3/21/2017
Star Ocean: The Last Hope Square Enix Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Star Wars Battlefront LucasArts Original Xbox (EA Play) 4/10/2018
Star Wars Battlefront II LucasArts Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy LucasArts Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter LucasArts Original Xbox 4/10/2018
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Lucasarts Original Xbox 10/23/2017
Star Wars KOTOR II LucasArts Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Star Wars Republic Commando LucasArts Original Xbox 4/22/2018
Star Wars Starfighter Special Edition LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Star Wars The Clone Wars LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 5/4/2016
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 5/4/2016
Steins;Gate: (original version)* 5pb. Xbox 360 5/18/2017
Steins;Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling* Mages Xbox 360 5/18/2017
Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram (disc only)* 5pb. Xbox 360 5/18/2017
Strania G.rev Xbox 360 1/10/2017
Street Fighter IV CAPCOM Xbox 360 3/16/2017
Stuntman: Ignition THQ Xbox 360 1/31/2017
Super Contra Konami Xbox 360 9/14/2017
Super Meat Boy Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Super Streetfighter IV Arcade Edition CAPCOM Xbox 360 7/13/2017
Supreme Commander 2 Square Enix Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Switchball Activision Xbox 360 11/15/2021
SWOS (Sensible World of Soccer) Codemasters Xbox 360 6/26/2018
Syberia* Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 4/24/2017
Syndicate* Electronic Arts Xbox 360 6/10/2019
 Tecmo Bowl Throwback TECMO Koei America Xbox 360 11/14/2017
Tekken 6 NAMCO Xbox 360 1/19/2017
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bandai Namco Entertainment Xbox 360 3/24/2016
Texas Hold ’em Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/3/2016
The Bureau 2K Games Xbox 360 12/4/2018
The Cave* SEGA Xbox 360 4/26/2016
The Darkness 2K Games Xbox 360 12/4/2018
The Darkness II 2K Games Xbox 360 1/30/2018
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Bethesda Softworks Original Xbox (Xbox Game Pass) 4/17/2018
The First Templar Kalypso Media Xbox 360 11/15/2021
The King of Fighters Neowave SNK Playmore Original Xbox 10/23/2017
The King Of Fighters XIII SNK Playmore Xbox 360 2/12/2019
The Maw Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/15/2016
The Orange Box* Valve Xbox 360 10/20/2016
The Outfit THQ Xbox 360 11/15/2021
The Splatters* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 1/10/2017
The Walking Dead Telltale Games Xbox 360 (Free) 8/29/2017
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Ep. 1, In Too Deep Skybound Games Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 8/29/2017
The Walking Dead: Season Two Telltale Games Xbox 360 (Free) 8/29/2017
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings CD Projekt Xbox 360 1/21/2016
Thrillville LucasArts Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Thrillville: OTR (Off The Rails) Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Ticket to Ride Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 12/17/2015
Time Pilot Konami Xbox 360 11/15/2021
TimeShift Vivendi Universal Games Xbox 360 4/25/2017
Timesplitters 2 Deep Silver Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Timesplitters: Future Perfect Deep Silver Original Xbox 11/15/2021
Tom Clancy’s EndWar Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/6/2018
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Ubisoft Xbox 360 7/3/2018
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/26/2019
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Ubisoft Xbox 360 3/13/2018
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X* Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/6/2018
Tom Clancy’s RainbowSix Vegas Ubisoft Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Ubisoft Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist Ubisoft Xbox 360 7/31/2018
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Ubisoft Original Xbox 6/10/2019
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction Ubisoft Xbox 360 2/8/2018
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent Ubisoft Xbox 360 7/31/2018
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent Ubisoft Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Ubisoft Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Tomb Raider Underworld Square Enix Xbox 360 7/27/2017
Tomb Raider: Anniv. Square Enix Xbox 360 8/14/2018
Tomb Raider: Legend Eidos Xbox 360 8/14/2018
Too Human Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Free) 6/10/2019
Torchlight Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Tour de France 2009* Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 7/19/2016
Tour de France* Focus Home Interactive Xbox 360 6/12/2019
Tower Bloxx Deluxe Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 3/21/2017
Toy Soldiers* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Toy Soldiers: Cold War Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Toy Story 3 Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 9/29/2016
Toy Story Mania! Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Toybox Turbos Codemasters Xbox 360 5/29/2018
Trials Evolution* Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 5/2/2019
Trials HD Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 2/11/2016
Triggerheart Exelica Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 7/28/2016
Trine 2* Atlus USA Xbox 360 11/29/2016
Tron: Evolution Disney Interactive Studios Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Tropico 4 Kalypso Media Xbox 360 10/23/2018
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon 345 Games / Comedy Central Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Unbound Saga Xbox Live Arcade Xbox 360 5/24/2016
Undertow Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/14/2017
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Epic Games Original Xbox 6/11/2019
Unreal Tournament 3 Midway Home Entertainment Xbox 360 6/10/2019
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment Konami Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Vanquish SEGA Xbox 360 2/20/2018
Virtua Fighter 2 SEGA Xbox 360 7/18/2017
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown SEGA Xbox 360 9/15/2016
Virtual-On OT SEGA Xbox 360 6/27/2017
Viva Piñata Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Viva Piñata Party Animals Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Viva Piñata: TIP (Trouble In Paradise) Microsoft Game Studios Xbox 360 (Xbox Game Pass) 11/12/2015
Warlords Atari Xbox 360 11/15/2021
Winterbottom 2K Games Xbox 360 1/30/2018
Wolfenstein 3D Bethesda Softworks Xbox 360 11/12/2015
Word Puzzle Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 9/20/2016
WOTB: Commando 3 (Wolf Of The Battlefield) CAPCOM Xbox 360 6/27/2017
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2K Games Xbox 360 5/24/2016
XCOM: Enemy Within 2K Games Xbox 360 6/9/2016
Yosumin! LIVE Square Enix Xbox 360 10/26/2017
ZOE HD (Zone of the Enders HD Collection) Konami Xbox 360 9/11/2018
Zuma Electronic Arts Xbox 360 (EA Play) 11/12/2015
Zuma’s Revenge! PopCap Xbox 360 (EA Play) 12/17/2015

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